Microbes | Group | Uses |
1. Acetobacter aceti | Bacterium | Acetic acid |
2. Aspergillus niger | Fungus | Citric acid |
3. Azospirillum | Bacterium | Nitrogen fixation, biofertilizer |
4. Azotobacter | Bacterium | Nitrogen fixation, biofertilizer |
5. Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) | Bacterium | Biocontrol of butterfly caterpillar |
6. Baculoviruses (mainlynucleopolyhedrovirus) | Virus | Biocontrol of insects and other arthropods. Used in Integrated Pest Management (IPM). |
7. Clostridium butyilicum | Bacterium | Butyric acid |
8. Cyanobacteria (blue green algae) | Bacteria | Nitrogen fixation, biofertilizer |
9. Lactobacillus (LAB) | Bacterium | Lactic acid, milk to curd |
10. Methanobacterium (methanogens) | Bacterium | Biogas (CH4) production i.e., source of energy |
11. Monascus purpureus | Fungus (a yeast) | Statins (blood cholesterol lowering agents) |
12. Mycorrhiza | Fungi (E.g.Glomus) + plant | Biofertilizer |
13. Penicillium notatum | Fungus (mould) | Penicillin (First antibiotic discovered by Alexander Fleming). |
14. Penicillium roqueforti | Fungus | Roquefort cheese |
15. Propionibacterium shermanii | Bacterium | In Swiss cheese formation |
16. Rhizobium | Bacterium | Nitrogen fixation, biofertilizer |
17. Saccharomyces cerevisie (Baker’s yeast or Brewer’s yeast) | Fungus | Production of beverages, bread by fermenting dough, ethanol etc. |
18. Streptococcus | Bacterium | Streptokinase (a clot buster) |
19. Trichoderma polysporum | Fungus | Cyclosporine A (An immunosuppressive agent) |
20. Trichoderma sp | Fungus | Biocontrol |
- / Lipases: Used in detergent to remove oily stains from the laundry.
- Pectinases & Proteases: To clarify bottled juices.
- STP: Sewage Treatment Plant.
- BOD: Biochemical Oxygen Demand (amount of O2 needed to oxidize all organic compounds in 1 litre of water.
- IARI: Indian Agricultural Research Institute
- KVIC: Khadi & Village Industries Commission.
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